Experience the Magic of Campfire Breakfast Hash

Oct 29, 2023 | Main Courses


Prep Time

Cooking Time

20 minutes
20-30 minutes


– 2 cups diced potatoes (preferably Yukon Gold or russet)
– 1 medium onion, diced
– 1 bell pepper (any color), diced
– 6-8 strips of bacon or sausages (cooked and crumbled)
– 4 large eggs
– Fresh herbs (such as parsley or chives), finely chopped
– Salt and pepper to taste
– Cooking oil or butter


1. Picture this: a brisk morning at the campsite, with smoke swirling upwards from the crackling campfire. The air carries the aroma of sizzling bacon, the symphony of onions and potatoes as they sizzle in a cast iron pan. Ah, the start of a memorable day is best when surrounded by nature’s embrace. Preheat a cast iron skillet or a sturdy pan over the campfire or a grill.

2. While the pan is preheating, take a moment to prepare all the ingredients. Peel and dice the potatoes into small cubes, dice the onion and bell pepper as well. If you’re using bacon or sausage, cook them until brown and crispy, then crumble them into irresistible morsels of flavor.

3. Once the pan is heated, add a drizzle of cooking oil or a dollop of butter. Sauté the diced potatoes, stirring occasionally, until they develop a golden crispness on the outside and a tender consistency on the inside. This culinary symphony of sizzling and browning will awaken your senses, arousing anticipation for the extraordinary breakfast to come.

4. As the potatoes begin to brown, add the diced onion and bell pepper to the pan. The colorful medley of ingredients sets the stage for an artistically crafted dish. The flavors meld together, creating a harmonious balance of natural sweetness and depth. Sauté until the onions turn translucent and the bell peppers become tender, complementing the texture and flavor of the potatoes.

5. Now it’s time for the starring ingredient – bacon or sausage. The aroma wafting from the pan is irresistible, and the sizzling protein enriches the hash with a smoky, salty dimension. Crumble the cooked bacon or sausage into the pan, mix everything together, and allow the ingredients to marry as they continue to cook.

6. In the meantime, fry the eggs to your desired doneness in a separate pan. The tantalizing sight of a golden yolk gently nestled within a pristine, white egg white is a feast for the eyes. There’s something truly magical about breaking into that perfectly cooked egg, the yolk cascading over the hash, mingling with the other flavors, and imparting an unspoken richness to each bite.

7. Once the hash is well-cooked and blessed with the smoky whispers of charcoal-kissed flavors, season it with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish generously with finely chopped herbs, such as fresh parsley or chives, adding a dash of vibrancy to the rustic charm of this campfire creation.

8. Serve a generous portion of the hash on a plate, and ever so gently place the fried egg on top, allowing its yolk to create an exquisite river of creamy indulgence. Allow yourself a moment to appreciate the beauty of this culinary masterpiece before finally taking your first savory bite.

Tips and Variations:

– For a vegetarian version, omit the bacon or sausage and replace it with seasoned cooked mushrooms or plant-based protein alternatives.
– Feel free to experiment with spices like paprika, garlic powder, or cumin to add a personal touch to the dish.
– If camping isn’t on the agenda, this recipe can be easily recreated at home over a stovetop.


Campfire Breakfast Hash is more than just a dish; it’s a celebration of nature, adventure, and cherished memories. Through its humble ingredients and the campfire’s gentle embrace, it captures the essence of mornings spent in the great outdoors. So, gather around the fire, breathe in the crisp morning air, and let this rustic breakfast hash become a part of your own story, as it has become a delicious chapter in mine.

Campfire Breakfast Hash Ingredients

Campfire Breakfast Hash Cooking Instructions

Campfire Breakfast Hash Final Dish

Main Courses > Experience the Magic of Campfire Breakfast Hash

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